Browsing Nord Open Research Archive by Author "Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Book review of Favell, Adrian 2022. The integration nation : Immigration and colonial power in liberal democracies. Cambridge : Polity Press, 226 pp.
Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie (Others, 2023) -
Categorization and racialization in integration discourses : Who is framed as “needing” integration in regional and local newspaper articles
Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Contesting integration discourses: migrant organizations and epistemic resistance in northern Norway
Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Forced migration and the detention of indigenous asylum seekers in the United States : a critical analysis of the intersectional nature of the oppression of indigenous migrants
Mezzanotti, Gabriela; Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
From transnational to trans-Indigenous: a critical analysis of the role of categorization and everyday coloniality in Indigenous mobilities
Mezzanotti, Gabriela; Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie; Silva, João Carlos Jarochinski (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Indigenous Peoples on the Move : Intersectional Invisibility and the Quest for Pluriversal Human Rights for Indigenous Migrants from Venezuela in Brazil
Mezzanotti, Gabriela; Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Integration as a solution to depopulation? Producing the moral and loyal resident in policies aiming to attract and retain international migrants
Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
International human rights frameworks in relation to national family reunification policy and administrative practice
Palander, Jaana; Baraka, Usumain; Gustafsson, Hilda; Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie; Lokot, Michelle; Martuscelli, Patrícia Nabuco; Mesgena, Hadas Yaron; Tuzi, Irene; Wray, Helena (IMISCOE Research Series;, Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2023) -
Neither Durable nor a Solution: a critical analysis of broken policies of return between the EU and Afghanistan
Mezzanotti, Gabriela; Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie; Omar, Maira (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Power, Vulnerability, and the Effects of COVID-19 on Migrants Held by the Detention Industry in the United States
Mezzanotti, Gabriela; Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2022) -
A Quest for Justice : Recognition and Migrant Interactions with Child Welfare Services in Norway
Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie; Mezzanotti, Gabriela (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Re/Presentations of Migrant Integration Discourses in Northern Norway
Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie (Doctoral thesis, 2024) -
What integration discourses “do” : The gendered migratization of policy issues and justification of welfare retrenchment
Kvalvaag, Alyssa Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)