Browsing Nord Open Research Archive by Author "Noble, Leslie Robert"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Biosystematics and evolutionary genomics of deep-sea fish (lumpsuckers, snailfishes, and sculpins) (Perciformes: Cottoidei)
Pinninti, Likith Reddy (PhD in Aquatic Biosciences;no. 51, Doctoral thesis, 2023) -
The complete mitochondrial genome of the Atlantic spiny lumpsucker Eumicrotremus spinosus (Fabricius, 1776)
Pinninti, Likith Reddy; Maurstad, Marius Filomeno; Hoff, Siv Nam Khang; Kristensen, Torstein; Noble, Leslie Robert; Jentoft, Sissel; Fernandes, Jorge Manuel de Oliveira (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
The complete mitochondrial genome of the blue skate Dipturus batis
Delaval, Aurelien Nicolas; Schwanck, Tanja; Kopp, Martina Elisabeth Luise; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Jones, Catherine S; Noble, Leslie Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
The complete mitochondrial genomes of the flapper skate Dipturus intermedius and the longnose skate Dipturus oxyrinchus
Schwanck, Tanja; Delaval, Aurelien Nicolas; Noble, Leslie Robert; Wright, Peter; Donnan, David; Jones, Catherine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
A comprehensive phylogeographic study of Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855 (Gastropoda : Pulmonata : Arionidae) in Europe
Zając, Kamila S.; Hatteland, Bjørn Arild; Feldmeyer, Barbara; Pfenninger, Markus; Filipiak, Anna; Noble, Leslie Robert; Lachowska-Cierlik, Dorota (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Arion vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, 1855 is regarded as one of the 100 most invasive species in Europe. The native distribution range of this species is uncertain, but for many years, the Iberian Peninsula has been considered ... -
The concept map as a substitute for lectures : Effects on student performance and mental health
Wagner, Clara Isabel; Bal, Mattheus Peter; Brinchmann, Monica Fengsrud; Noble, Leslie Robert; Raeymaekers, Joost A.M.; Bjørnevik, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Endangered coastal elasmobranchs of the North-East Atlantic
Delaval, Aurelien Nicolas; Wagner, Clara Isabel; Schwanck, Tanja; Wood, Fenella; Jones, Catherine S; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Noble, Leslie Robert (Chapter, 2022) -
Evaluating the suitability of close-kin mark-recapture as a demographic modelling tool for a critically endangered elasmobranch population
Delaval, Aurelien Nicolas; Bendall, Victoria; Hetherington, Stuart; Skaug, Hans Julius; Frost, Michelle; Jones, Catherine; Noble, Leslie Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Exploring the nuclear genome of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
Wagner, Clara Isabel (PhD in Biosciences;no. 55, Doctoral thesis, 2023) -
Ontogenetic variation in movements and depth use, and evidence of partial migration in a benthopelagic elasmobranch
Thorburn, James; Neat, Francis; Burrett, Ian; Henry, Lea-Anne; Bailey, David M.; Jones, Cath S.; Noble, Leslie Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Tope (Galeorhinus galeus) is a highly mobile elasmobranch in the temperate to subtropical northeast Atlantic. It is highly migratory and has been shown to display complex movement patterns, such as partial migration, in ... -
Population and seascape genomics of a critically endangered benthic elasmobranch, the blue skate Dipturus batis
Delaval, Aurelien Nicolas; Frost, Michelle; Bendall, Victoria; Hetherington, Stuart J.; Stirling, David; Hoarau, Galice Guillaume; Jones, Catherine S.; Noble, Leslie Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Population genomics of a critically endangered data-deficient elasmobranch, the blue skate Dipturus batis
Delaval, Aurelien Nicolas (PhD in Aquatic Biosciences;no. 40, Doctoral thesis, 2021) -
Spatio-temporal genetic tagging of a cosmopolitan planktivorous shark provides insight to gene flow, temporal variation and site-specific re-encounters
Lieber, Lilian; Hall, Graham; Hall, Jackie; Berrow, Simon; Johnston, Emmett; Gubili, Chrysoula; Sarginson, Jane; Francis, Malcolm; Duffy, Clinton; Wintner, Sabine P.; Doherty, Philip D.; Godley, Brendan J.; Hawkes, Lucy A.; Witt, Matthew J.; Henderson, Suzanne M.; de Sabata, Eleonora; Shivji, Mahmood S.; Dawson, Deborah A.; Sims, David W.; Jones, Catherine S.; Noble, Leslie Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Migratory movements in response to seasonal resources often influence population structure and dynamics. Yet in mobile marine predators, population genetic consequences of such repetitious behaviour remain inaccessible ... -
Spiral valve parasites of blue and common thresher sharks as indicators of shark feeding behaviour and ecology.
Preti, Antonella; MacKenzie, Ken; Spivey, Kate A.; Noble, Leslie Robert; Jones, Catherine S; Appy, Ralph G.; Pierce, Graham J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study documented the parasite faunas of the spiral valves of blue sharks Prionace glauca (L. 1758) and common thresher sharks Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre, 1788) caught in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem ...