Blar i Nord Open Research Archive på forfatter "Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa"
A major Calanus finmarchicus overwintering population inside a deep fjord in northern Norway: implications for cod larvae recruitment success
Espinasse, Boris Dristan; Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Tverberg, Vigdis; Hattermann, Tore; Eiane, Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Autonomous Surface and Underwater Vehicles as Effective Ecosystem Monitoring and Research Platforms in the Arctic - The Glider Project
Camus, Lionel; Andrade, Hector; Aniceto, Ana Sofia; Aune, Magnus; Bandara, Kanchana; Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Christensen, Kai Håkon; Cook, Jeremy; Daase, Malin; Dunlop, Katherine Mary; Falk-Petersen, Stig; fietzek, Peter; Fonnes, Gro; Ghaffari, Peygham; Gramvik, Geir; Graves, Inger; Hayes, Daniel; Lura, Harald; Marin, Trond Kristiansen; Nøst, Ole Anders; Peddie, David; Pederick, Joel; Pedersen, Geir; Sperrevik, Ann Kristin; Sørensen, Kai; Tassara, Luca; Tjøstheim, Sigurd; Tverberg, Vigdis; Dahle, Salve; Langeland, Tor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Biovolume spectrum theories applied : spatial patterns of trophic levels within a mesozooplankton community at the polar front
Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Tande, Kurt Steinar; Zhou, Meng (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Three-dimensional data on the mesoscale distribution of hydrography and mesozooplankton were collected at the Polar Front, northwestern Barents Sea, in spring 2008 (29 April 15 May) using a combination of multinet and towed ... -
Capturing quantitative zooplankton information in the sea : Performance test of laser optical plankton counter and video plankton recorder in Calanus finmarchicus dominated summer situation
Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Tande, Kurt S.; Norrbin, M. Fredrika; Kristiansen, Stian A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)We compared two optical plankton counters, the Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC) and the Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) for their abundance estimates of Calanus finmarchicus during an early summer situation (June 2008) ... -
Habitat selection by a marine copepod during the productive season in the Subarctic
Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Tande, Kurt Steinar; Stige, Leif Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Few studies have analysed the depth distribution of marine zooplankton at high-resolution, and knowledge obtained from theoretical modelling studies predominates over that from empirical field studies. We analysed depth ... -
The impact of advection on a Subarctic fjord food web dominated by the copepod Calanus finmarchicus
Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Renner, Angelika; Espinasse, Boris Dristan; Falk-Petersen, Stig; Graeve, Martin; Bandara, Kanchana; Sørensen, Kai; Eiane, Ketil; Hagen, Wilhelm (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Mid-summer mesozooplankton biomass, its size distribution, and estimated production within a glacial Arctic fjord (Hornsund, Svalbard)
Trudnowska, Emilia; Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Blachowiak-Samolyk, Kasia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Mid-summer vertical behavior of a high-latitude oceanic zooplankton community
Bandara, Kanchana; Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Pedersen, Geir; Tverberg, Vigdis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Potential drivers of sinking particle´s size spectra and vertical flux of particulate organic carbon (POC) : Turbulence, phytoplankton and zooplankton
Wiedmann, Ingrid; Reigstad, Marit; Sundfjord, Arild; Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Remote sensing of zooplankton swarms
Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; McKee, David; Lefering, Ina; Gislason, Astthor; Daase, Malin; Trudnowska, Emilia; Egeland, Einar Skarstad; Choquet, Marvin; Falk-Petersen, Stig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Zooplankton provide the key link between primary production and higher levels of the marine food web and they play an important role in mediating carbon sequestration in the ocean. All commercially harvested fish species ... -
Secondary production at the Polar Front, Barents Sea, August 2007
Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa; Zhou, Meng; Tande, Kurt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)