Institutional perspective: the battle between increased profitability and risk, with technology in the leading role
In this thesis, I am investigating what the drivers and barriers for development of new
technology on the NCS are. My theoretical foundations for this thesis are based upon theory
that explains different factors that will affect an organizations willingness to change. Drivers
in this context can be defined as an incentive to develop new technology. Barriers on the other
hand can be defined as something that hampers or prevents the companies to develop new
technology. In addition, the word technology can be described as the machinery that makes it
possible to explore and extract oil. The empirical foundation of this thesis is based upon
interviews with Johan Petter Barlindhaug, Lars Kullerud and Cato Wille. Based on this I will
give an answer to my problem statement, which is:
“What are the drivers and barriers for technological development at the Norwegian
Continental Shelf?”
My empirical data consist of interviews from three different people with background from the
oil and gas industry and secondary data.
In short my findings can be summarized like this:
• Hunt for increased profitability
• New and demanding fields
• Governmental legislations forcing the companies to change
• The desire to prolong the lifetime of a field
• The companies conservatism and fear of change
• Lack of incentives from the government
Masteroppgave i Energy management - Høgskolen i Bodø, 2010