Living next door to Gazprom : how a Norwegian company found itself in Murmansk, employing 80 engineers and welders - and a guy from Verdal
Russian-Norwegian cooperation and the term “The High North” have been
subject to increased attention, especially from an energy perspective. The
impression that North West Russia holds a great promise for Norwegian
companies has been widely projected by media and politicians. The lack of
energy business initiative in North-West Russia is however curiously absent,
save for one company, the case of this study, who has achieved success in short
This thesis utilizes internationalization theory to analyze why Reinertsen
NWR’s establishment in Murmansk was successful. The findings suggest that
managerial commitment, a broad resource base and re-export have played
important roles for a successful start-up.
Mastergradsoppgave i Energy management - Høgskolen i Bodø, 2007