Now showing items 441-460 of 883

    • Light spectra as triggers for sorting improved strains of Tisochrysis lutea 

      Gao, Fengzheng; Woolschot, Sep; Cabanelas, Iago Teles Dominguez; Wijffels, Rene Hubertus; Barbosa, Maria J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      It is known that microalgae respond to different light colors, but not at single-cell level. This work aimed to assess if different light colors could be used as triggers to sort over-producing cells. Six light spectra ...
    • Lipid metabolism in Calanus finmarchicus is sensitive to variations in predation risk and food availability 

      Skottene, Elise; Tarrant, Ann M.; Altin, Dag; Olsen, Rolf Erik; Choquet, Marvin; Kvile, Kristina Øie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Late developmental stages of the marine copepods in the genus Calanus can spend extended periods in a dormant stage (diapause) that is preceded by the accumulation of large lipid stores. We assessed how lipid metabolism ...
    • Flashing light emitting diodes (LEDs) induce proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and pigments in three microalgae 

      Lima, Serena; Schulze, Peter Simon Claus; Schüler, Lisa M.; Rautenberger, Ralf; Morales-Sanchez, Daniela; Santos, Tamára F.; Pereira, Hugo; Varela, João C.S.; Scargiali, Francesca; Wijffels, Rene Hubertus; Kiron, Viswanath (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
    • Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with drop out from sport in Norwegian adolescents 

      Moa, Ivar Fossland; Berntsen, Sveinung; Lagestad, Pål Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Several studies indicate that participation in organized sport may result in higher physical activity levels among youth which are associated with high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. However, no study has examined ...
    • Multistep fractionation of microalgal biomolecules using selective aqueous two-phase systems 

      Ruiz, Catalina A. Suarez; Kwaijtaal, Jennifer; Peinado, Oriol Cabau; van den Berg, Corjan; Wijffels, Rene Hubertus; Eppink, Michel H.M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We aim to develop liquid–liquid extraction processes for the fractionation of microalgal components (proteins, pigments, lipids, and carbohydrates). The partitioning behavior of microalgal pigments and proteins in aqueous ...
    • Adherent intestinal cells from Atlantic salmon show phagocytic ability and express macrophage-specific genes 

      Park, Youngjin; Zhang, Qirui; Wiegertjes, Geert Frits; Fernandes, Jorge Manuel de Oliveira; Kiron, Viswanath (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Our knowledge of the intestinal immune system of fish is rather limited compared to mammals. Very little is known about the immune cells including the phagocytic cells in fish intestine. Hence, employing imaging flow ...
    • Time machine biology : cross-timescale integration of ecology, evolution, and oceanography 

      Yasuhara, Moriaki; Huang, Huai-Hsuan May; Hull, Pincelli; Rillo, Marina C.; Condamine, Fabien L.; Tittensor, Derek P.; Kučera, Michal; Costello, Mark; Finnegan, Seth; O’Dea, Aaron; Hong, Yuanyuan; Bonebrake, Timothy C.; McKenzie, N. Ryan; Doi, Hideyuki; Wei, Chih-Lin; Kubota, Yasuhiro; Saupe, Erin E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Direct observations of marine ecosystems are inherently limited in their temporal scope. Yet, ongoing global anthropogenic change urgently requires improved understanding of long-term baselines, greater insight into the ...
    • Principles for creating a single authoritative list of the world’s species 

      Garnett, Stephen T.; Christidis, Les; Conix, Stijn; Costello, Mark; Zachos, Frank E.; Banki, Olaf S.; Bao, Yiming; Barik, Saroj K.; Buckeridge, John Stewart; Hobern, Donald; Lien, Aaron; Montgomery, Narelle; Nikolaeva, Svetlana; Pyle, Richard L.; Thomson, Scott A.; van Dijk, Peter Paul; Whalen, Anthony; Zhang, Zhi-Qiang; Thiele, Kevin R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Lists of species underpin many fields of human endeavour, but there are currently no universally accepted principles for deciding which biological species should be accepted when there are alternative taxonomic treatments ...
    • Quantifying sample completeness and comparing diversities among assemblages. 

      Chao, Anne; Kubota, Yasuhiro; Zelený, David; Chiu, Chun-Huo; Li, Ching-Feng; Kusumoto, Buntarou; Yasuhara, Moriaki; Thorn, Simon; Wei, Chih-Lin; Costello, Mark; Colwell, Robert K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We develop a novel class of measures to quantify sample completeness of a biological survey. The class of measures is parameterized by an order q ≥ 0 to control for sensitivity to species relative abundances. When q = 0, ...
    • Taxonomy as the key to life. 

      Costello, Mark (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Taxonomy is a key to life not only in providing guides to distinguishing species but in opening the door to knowledge about biodiversity. Names of species, as the only standardised measure of biodiversity, are essential ...
    • CRISPR/Cas12a-mediated gene editing in Geodia barretti sponge cell culture 

      Hesp, Kylie; Alvarez, John L. Flores; Alexandru, Ana-Maria; van der Linden, Jip; Martens, Dirk E.; Wijffels, Rene Hubertus; Pomponi, Shirley A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Sponges and their associated microorganisms are the most prolific source of marine natural products, and many attempts have been made at creating a marine sponge cell line to produce these products efficiently. However, ...
    • Oxygen Balanced Mixotrophy under Day-Night Cycles 

      Abiusi, Fabian; Wijffels, Rene Hubertus; Janssen, Marcel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Using sunlight to fuel photosynthesis exposes microalgae to day–night cycles. Under day–night cycles microalgae tend to synchronize their metabolism by optimizing light utilization during daytime. During night storage ...
    • Physical processing or supplementation of feeds with phytogenic compounds, alginate oligosaccharide or nucleotides as methods to improve the utilization of Gracilaria gracilis by juvenile European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) 

      Valente, Luisa M.P.; Batista, Sonia; Ribeiro, Catarina; Pereira, Ricardo; Oliveira, Beatriz; Garrido, Inês; Baião, Luís F.; Tulli, Francesa; Messina, Maria; Pierre, Ronan; Abreu, Helena; Pintado, Manuela; Kiron, Viswanath (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This study assessed both the effectiveness of a physical-mechanical rupture method and the ability of feed additives (phytogenic compounds, alginate oligosaccharide and nucleotides) to enhance the utilization of G. gracilis ...
    • Effects of bacillus subtilis wb60 and lactococcus lactis on growth, immune responses, histology and gene expression in nile tilapia, oreochromis niloticus 

      Won, Seonghun; Hamidoghli, Ali; Choi, Wonsuk; Park, Youngjin; Jang, Won Je; Kong, In-Soo; Bai, Sungchul C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      An eight-week feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of a basal control diet (CON), Bacillus subtilis at 107 (BS7) and at 108 CFU/g diet (BS8), Lactococcus lactis at 107 CFU/g (LL7) and at 108 CFU/g diet (LL8), ...
    • Total replacement of marine oil by rapeseed oil in plant protein rich diets of juvenile lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) : Effects on growth performance, chemical and fatty acid composition 

      Willora, Florence Perera; Grønevik, Bjørn; Liu, Cui; Palihawadana, Anjana Mahesh; Sørensen, Mette; Hagen, Ørjan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Lumpfish is used to control sea lice in open net-pen farming of Atlantic salmon, but little is known about their nutritional requirements. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of replacing marine oil (MO) ...
    • Reconciling seascape genetics and fisheries science in three codistributed flatfishes 

      Vandamme, Sara; Raeymaekers, Joost A.M.; Maes, Gregory E.; Cottenie, Karl; Calboli, Federico C.F.; Diopere, Eveline; Volckaert, Filip A.M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Uncertainty hampers innovative mixed‐fisheries management by the scales at which connectivity dynamics are relevant to management objectives. The spatial scale of sustainable stock management is species‐specific and depends ...
    • Evaluation of diurnal responses of Tetradesmus obliquus under nitrogen limitation 

      Leon-Saiki, G. Mitsue; Carreres, Benoit M.; Remmers, Ilse M.; Wijffels, Rene Hubertus; dos Santos, Vitor A.P. Martins; van der Veen, Douwe; Schaap, Peter J.; Suarez-Diez, Maria; Martens, Dirk E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Tetradesmus obliquus is an oleaginous microalga with high potential for triacylglycerol production. We characterized the biochemical composition and the transcriptional landscape of T. obliquus wild-type and the starchless ...
    • Multilevel optimisation of anaerobic ethyl acetate production in engineered Escherichia coli 

      Bohnenkamp, Anna C.; Kruis, Aleksander J.; Mars, Astrid E.; Wijffels, Rene Hubertus; van der Oost, John; Kengen, Servé W. M.; Weusthuis, Ruud A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background: Ethyl acetate is a widely used industrial solvent that is currently produced by chemical conversions from fossil resources. Several yeast species are able to convert sugars to ethyl acetate under aerobic ...
    • The 23S ribosomal RNA from Pyrococcus furiosus is circularly permuted 

      Birkedal, Ulf; Beckert, Bertrand; Wilson, Daniel N.; Nielsen, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Synthesis and assembly of ribosomal components are fundamental cellular processes and generally well-conserved within the main groups of organisms. Yet, provocative variations to the general schemes exist. We have discovered ...
    • Complexity within an oil palm monoculture : The effects of habitat variability and rainfall on adult dragonfly (Odonata) communities 

      Luke, Sarah H.; Advento, Andreas Dwi; Dow, Rory A.; Aryawan, Anak Agung Ketut; Barclay, Holly; Eycott, Amy Elizabeth; Hinsch, Julie K.; Kurniawan, Candra; Naim, Mohammad; Mann, Darren J.; Pujianto; Purnomo, Dedi; Rambe, Tuani Dzulfikar Siguga; Slade, Eleanor M.; Soeprapto; Ps, Sudharto; Suhardi; Tarigan, Ribka Sionita; Wahyuningsih, Resti; Widodo, Rudy Harto; Caliman, Jean-Pierre; Snaddon, Jake L.; Foster, William A.; Turner, Edgar C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Recent expansion of oil palm agriculture has resulted in loss of forest habitat and forest‐dependent species. However, large numbers of species—particularly insects—can persist within plantations. This study focuses on ...