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Being cross pressured - parents’ experiences of the transfer from paediatric to adult care services for their young people with long term conditions : a systematic review and qualitative research synthesis
Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid; Hall, Elisabeth O.C.; Westergren, Thomas; Aagaard, Hanne; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth; Fegran, Liv (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Family members of young people (13–24 years) with long-term conditions tend to experience multiple challenges when their children transfer from paediatric to adult care, as do the patients themselves. Objectives To ... -
Nurses’ and doctors’ experiences of transferring adolescents or young adults with long-term health conditions from pediatric to adult care : A metasynthesis
Fegran, Liv; Westergren, Per Christer Thomas; Hall, Elisabeth O.C.; Aagaard, Hanne; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Parents’ experiences of transitioning to home with a very-low-birthweight infant : A meta-ethnography
Aagaard, Hanne; Hall, Elisabeth O.C.; Audulv, Åsa; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid; Westergren, Per Christer Thomas; Fegran, Liv (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Medical-technological advances and neurodevelopmental care have improved the survival of extremely- and very-low-birthweight infants born before 32 weeks’ gestation. After months in neonatal care, the infants are discharged, ... -
Physical Activity Enforces Well-being or Shame in Children and Adolescents With Asthma: A Meta-ethnography
Westergren, Per Christer Thomas; Aagaard, Hanne; Hall, Elisabeth O.C.; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid; Fegran, Liv; Robstad, Anja Nastasja; Audulv, Åsa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Asthma symptoms and experiences of dyspnea challenge participation in physical activity (PA). Therefore, in-depth understanding of experiences with PA is essential. In this meta-ethnography, we synthesized published ... -
Qualitative Longitudinal Research in Health Research : A Method Study
Audulv, Aasa; Hall, Elisabeth O.C.; Kneck, Åsa; Westergren, Per Christer Thomas; Fegran, Liv; Pedersen, Mona Kyndi; Aagaard, Hanne; Dam, Kristianna Lund; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Qualitative longitudinal research (QLR) comprises qualitative studies, with repeated data collection, that focus on the temporality (e.g., time and change) of a phenomenon. The use of QLR is increasing in health ... -
Time and change : a typology for presenting research findings in qualitative longitudinal research
Audulv, Åsa; Westergren, Thomas; Ludvigsen, Mette Spliid; Pedersen, Mona Kyndi; Fegran, Liv; Hall, Elisabeth O.C.; Aagaard, Hanne; Robstad, Nastasja; Kneck, Åsa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)