Styring og ledelse mellom to reformer: Utvikling av styring og ledelse ved Helgelandssykehuset Mo i Rana og St. Olavs Hospital etter sykehusreformen i 2002
Hvordan har statlig styring I form av sykehusreformen påvirket ledelse ved
Helgelandssykehuset Mo i Rana og St.Olavs Hospital? Management of hospitals is a central issue in our society. It concerns most of the inhabitants
what kind of healthcare that is offered. Management of the public health care service have
through several decades been criticized, first of all because of lack of economic management,
and secondly because of the expected efficiency and quality has not been reached.
Organizational reforms have been executed, new ones are notified and we ask; what results
can we see from already executed reform? Why do we need new reforms?
How shall the hospitals implement and absorb new reforms in a good and adequate way, and
how shall we secure that the politicians’ decisions reach the operating level, and in the end the