Browsing Master of Science in Business (Siviløkonom) by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 242
Eco-Innovation During the Covid-19 Crisis: A Case Study of the Process Industry
(Master thesis, 2021) -
Effect of Green Bonds on corporate financial performance
(Master thesis, 2023) -
En kvantitativ analyse av tilfredshet i banknæringen
(Master thesis, 2022) -
En studie av Coworking Spaces: gründere i delt kontorfellesskap
(Master thesis, 2017) -
En undersøkelse av småbedriftsledelses håndtering av eksterne kriser
(Master thesis, 2021) -
En verdivurdering av fortsatt drift for det kriserammede selskapet, Boa OCV AS
(Master thesis, 2018) -
Equity Duration as a Risk Factor in the Norwegian Stock Market
(Master thesis, 2020) -
Et entreprenørielt syn på merkevarebygging i kafébransje
(Master thesis, 2019) -
Ethical Hacking as a Risk Management tool in Organizations
(Master thesis, 2023) -
The Explanatory Power of Traditional Multi-Factor Models in the Norwegian Mutual Fund Market
(Master thesis, 2021) -
Exploring Successful Technological Innovation: Organizational Perspectives and Practices
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Exploring the organizational respones to reforms in the Italian industrial sector
(Master thesis, 2018) -
External Enablers in Social Entrepreneurship - A case from Norway
(Master thesis, 2023) -
Factors influencing intention to use mobile retailing: An empirical study
(Master thesis, 2018) -
Factors influencing online purchase intention: a context on young Nepalese consumers
(Master thesis, 2021) -
Features of budgeting under conditions of the formation of amalgamated territorial communities
(Master thesis, 2019) -
Female entrepreneurship, credit access and firm`s performance in Nigeria
(Master thesis, 2021) -
Financial management of local authorities: on–war and after–war perspective
(Master thesis, 2023)