Browsing Nord Open Research Archive by Author "Angelo, Elin"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
The discursive terms of music/teacher education at four higher educational institutions
Angelo, Elin; Knigge, Jens; Sæther, Morten; Waagen, Wenche (MusPed:Research;2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Filosofiske perspektiver som igangsettende impulser for å utvikle forståelser om norsk musikklærerutdanning
Øien, Ola Buan; Angelo, Elin (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Higher education as context for music pedagogy research
Angelo, Elin; Knigge, Jens; Sæther, Morten; Waagen, Wenche (MusPed:Research;2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Music Technology in Education – Channeling and Challenging Perspectives
Eiksund, Øyvind Johan; Angelo, Elin; Knigge, Jens (Book; Peer reviewed, 2020)This anthology presents research projects that examine the intersection between music, technology and education from a variety of perspectives. The contributors are from a range of educational programs within traditional ... -
Music Technology in Education – Channeling and Challenging Perspectives.
Eiksund, Øyvind Johan; Angelo, Elin; Knigge, Jens (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Samkunst for selve livet : Om danning og livsmestring i valgfaget produksjon for scene
Kolaas, Solveig Salthammer; Angelo, Elin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Hensikten med denne artikkelen er å undersøke læreres oppfatninger av betydninger ved valgfaget produksjon for scene i ungdomsskolen. Datamaterialet for artikkelen er generert gjennom en landsomfattende spørreskjemaundersøkelse ... -
Samkunst som meningsskapende tilnærming - en mixed methods studie om valgfaget produksjon for scene
Kolaas, Solveig Salthammer (Ph.d. i studier av profesjonspraksis;nr. 52, Doctoral thesis, 2022) -
Understanding musical leadership in light of performative and pedagogical practices from a hermeneutic practice ecological perspective
Øien, Ola Buan (PhD in the study of professional praxis;No. 41, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This article-based thesis consists of an extended abstract and three articles. The thesis is divided into two parts with a total of four texts and focuses on developing knowledge of musical leadership. In Part I, a synthesis ... -
Utdanning i kunstfag : Samarbeid, kvalitet og spenninger
Bandlien, Bjørn-Terje; Olaussen, Ingvild Olsen; Letnes, Mari-Ann; Angelo, Elin (MusPed:Research;, Book; Peer reviewed, 2021)