The Cuban Mother-Child Attention Program aiming at fulfil the ambition of the Comprehensive Concept of Health : a study through the practice of the community policlinic "Héroes de Girón" in Havana City
The present thesis is a study about the development experience at the community level of the
Cuban national program addressed to the attention to mothers and children: The Mother Child
Attention Program. This program is a very over- holding because it is responsible for the whole
process of women's reproductive health, from their teenage to adulthood, and for the care-taking
of the health of the children until they are 14 years old, but pregnancy and babies care taking
stands out as one of the most important and jealousy cared concem.
A qualitative methodology, based on interviews and observation, was used to accomplish the
objective of give an accurate description about the Mother- Child Attention Program at a
policlinic leve1 and to correlate the outcome of the program with its educational actions, aiming
at the improvement of a comprehensive health.
it is shown throughout the thesis that a lot of conditions are given to the health system and
consequently to the policlinic so as to make their work more successful. Because of the good
relationship existing between doctors and patients, the positive atmosphere during the
consultation and because of the possibility doctors and nurses have been provided with to visit
the patients and their families home settings, that allows the health professionals to assess the
environment and the emotional atmosphere pregnant women live in, paving way to further
interactions with other institutions and organizations within the community which may help and
cooperate as full participants in health care decision making. Another important element is the
role of the Mass Medias. In Cuba, these institutions are education-oriented. And it is als0
indispensable to emphasize the role of sorne social institutions as the Cuban family; which has
traditionally played a predominant role towards our cultural insights, like collectivism as the
model of life-style.
In the policlinic studied here the conditions for the different specialists to coordinate and share
their work and assistance as a team are favourable, so that they can be abIe to assess the cases
from a multidisciplinary perspective. But actually, the fact is that the multi or interdisciplinary
perspective is confused with that of an integral and comprehensivc perspcctivc and the
educational function is almost always identificd as an informativt function. The procedurc being
used is really far from being comprehensive or family oriented. In fact, their aim is to achieve the
hcalth indicators as the main goal; it is not properly realized that it is necessary to attend many
other aspects in a relational way for these indicators to be accomplished.
Mastergradsoppgave i "Comparative social work" - Høgskolen i Bodø, 2006