Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap (FSV)
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Recent Submissions
Veien mot et bærekraftig helsevesen? Lederes erfaringer med endringsprosesser i helsesektoren.
(Master thesis, 2023) -
The Contemporary Norwegian Municipal CEO
(Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024) -
Migrant residential mobility and tenure transitions within different housing regimes: evidence from three Nordic capital cities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Revolution and the Global Struggle for Modernity, vol. 1: The Atlantic Revolutions
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2024) -
American Late-Night Shows in Times of Crisis: Addressing Tragedy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Rosa Luxemburg: Periphery and Perception
(Book, 2024) -
Re-thinking Global Governance as Fuzzy: Multi-Scalar Boundaries of Responsibility in the Arctic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Introduction: The Actuality of Rosa Luxemburg
(Chapter, 2024) -
Privatization and Coercive Isomorphic Pressure in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care (1987-2020)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Productive pragmatism: Industrial democracy under neoliberal capitalist conditions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Urban 'minor utopias' in the planning of Norwegian towns
(Chapter, 2024) -
Small steps in all directions: Exploring localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Norway
(PhD in Sociology;no. 68, Doctoral thesis, 2024) -
Egalitarian consecration : The making of egalitarian Norway and historical elite institutions
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2024) -
Tales from the frontier of sustainable global connectivity : A typology of Arctic tourism workers
(Journal article, 2024) -
Hvordan påvirker arbeidsorganiseringen samarbeids- og læringskulturen mellom lærerne i skolen?
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Tillit under tvil. Barnehageansattes erfaringer med bekymringsmeldinger til barneverntjenesten
(Master thesis, 2023)