Browsing Doktorgradsavhandlinger i bedriftsøkonomi by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 49
Employee innovation behavior
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 4 (2005), Doctoral thesis, 2005)The contribution from employees to organizational development and innovation is underestimated and under-explored. Even so, employees contribute to the innovation process in several ways. Some achievements are proactive ... -
The relationship between initiation, barriers, product quality and internationalization
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 3 (2005), Doctoral thesis, 2005) -
Facilitating university spin-off ventures : an entrepreneurship process perspective
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 8 (2006), Doctoral thesis, 2006) -
Portfolio entrepreneurship : general and farm contexts
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 9 (2007), Doctoral thesis, 2007)Portfolio entrepreneurs stand for a substantial proportion of new business start-ups. These are current owner-managers who involve themselves in the start-up of new business ventures while still retaining their current ... -
Utvikling av dynamiske kapabiliteter i små og mellomstore bedrifter
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 13 (2007), Doctoral thesis, 2007)Dynamiske kapabiliteter kan beskrives som en bedrifts ferdigheter til å anskaffe, integrere, fornye og omforme interne og eksterne bedriftsressurser. De representerer organisatoriske mekanismer som utvikler endrings- og ... -
Immigrant entrepreneurship in Norway
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 17 (2008), Doctoral thesis, 2008)The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to add to the knowledge about immigrant entrepreneurship in Norway and to test the existing theories relating to immigrant entrepreneurship. In this work, an immigrant entrepreneur ... -
Network reflection : a road to regional learning, trust and innovation
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 14 (2008), Doctoral thesis, 2008)The acknowledgement of innovation as the main driving force in economic development, and the assumptions that networks, regional co-operation and trust contribute to innovation, form the basis of this project. There is a ... -
Valuation of generation assets : a real option approach
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 19 (2009), Doctoral thesis, 2009)Chapter 3: The discussion contributes to the general discussion regarding the seldom use of real option by practitioners. The study offers explanations rooted in different scientific paradigms to explain the limited use ... -
From weak to strong sustainable development : an analysis of Norwegian economic policy tools in mitigating climate change
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 24 (2010), Doctoral thesis, 2010)This thesis focuses on the economic concepts of weak and strong sustainable development in relation to mitigating climate change. The overall research question is how to move from weak towards strong sustainable development. ... -
Entreprenøriell markedsføring : en studie av entreprenørskap og markedsføring som overlappende fenomen
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; nr. 23 (2010), Doctoral thesis, 2010)Interessen for entreprenørskap i markedsføring har medført fremveksten av et eget fenomenområde som kan kalles entreprenøriell markedsføring, og i denne avhandling gjennomføres en analyse av dette fenomenområdet. I ... -
Paradigms in environmental management research : outline of an ecosophical-hermeneutic alternative
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 31 (2011), Doctoral thesis, 2011)The first aim of the dissertation is to develop a conceptual tool (two paradigms) for the purpose of analyzing Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). This positions the dissertation in a field which includes environmental ... -
Accountant in Russia : changing times, changing roles
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 32 (2011), Doctoral thesis, 2011) -
Verdiforskyvning i friluftslivet i lys av økologisk økonomi
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; nr. 38 (2013), Doctoral thesis, 2013)Nature, culture and economy are considered to be sectors with different values. This thesis examines how an activity, the traditional Norwegian outdoor life – friluftsliv, which can be seen as a cultural activity ... -
Sustainability Reporting in a Large Russian Oil Corporation. Production Safety Issues
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; nr. 39 (2013), Doctoral thesis, 2013) -
Erfaringsutveksling som grunnlag for mestring og livskvalitet : diagnoseoverskridende samtalegrupper for familier med barn som har nedsatt funksjonsevne og eller kronisk sykdom
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; nr. 48 (2014), Doctoral thesis, 2014) -
The marketing functions of the trade show system
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 47 (2014), Doctoral thesis, 2014)Trade shows have a long history that goes back to at least the early Middle Ages. In those times, trade shows played significant trading roles by facilitating bartered exchanges of textile goods, leather goods, spices and ... -
Memorable moments : consumer immersion in nature-based tourist experiences
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 51 (2014), Doctoral thesis, 2014) -
How Firms use University-Industry Collaboration to Innovate : The Role and Development of Social Capital and Proximity Dimensions
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; nr. 54 (2015), Doctoral thesis, 2015) -
Exogenous Shocks as Drivers of Growth in Peripheral Regions – A Multilevel Approach to Regional Development
(Ph.D. serie / Handelshøgskolen i Bodø; no. 56 (2015), Doctoral thesis, 2015) -
The human side of accounting : The bonds between human agency and management accounting practices’ changes in the transitional economy
(PhD in Business; no. 68 (2018), Doctoral thesis, 2018)