Rollespill og Teaching Thinking som redskaper for aktiv læring i naturfag – erfaringer fra allmennlærerutdanninga
Original version
Henriksen, E. O. (2006). Rollespill og Teaching Thinking som redskaper for aktiv læring i naturfag – erfaringer fra allmennlærerutdanninga. NorDiNa : Nordic Studies in Science Education, 2(1), 5-18. Retrieved from
Teaching Thinking (teaching strategies developed by Thinking Skills Research Group, University of Newcastle) and role play were used in a science course at a teacher's college and evaluated by the students. The experiences are discussed with reference to democratic participation as the most important aim for compulsory science education. It is argued that role play and Teaching Thinking-strategies give students and pupils in science classes motivation and opportunities to communicate on science issues at their own skill level. This kind of communication has several merits: i) It reveals some of the students' alternative conceptions; ii) it enforces content learning; and iii) it supports the development of skills needed for democratic participation.