”Man må jo rekke å tenke selv” En casestudie av hva elevene, foreldrene og læreren i en 5.-klasse mener om å gjøre hjemmeforsøk som introduksjon til teoriundervisningen på skolen
Master thesis
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Denne masteroppgaven utforsker en undervisningsmetode i naturfag der elevene gjør hjemmeforsøk sammen med foreldrene før teoriundervisningen på skolen. I motsetning til lignende studier av metoden har foreldrene en assistentrolle og skal ikke hjelpe med teori. Elevene som ble intervjuet og hele klassen som har svart på spørreskjemaene mener at dette er en morsom og spennende undervisningsmetode, og er svært positive til å gjøre flere forsøk på denne måten. This master assignment is an extension of an English and two Swedish studies where science experiments are given as homework prior to the introduction of a new science topic at school. The students, parents and teacher were very positive to this chronology, similarly to the results in the related studies. There have been done few studies on this teaching method, however, in which this study contributes with opinions from the participants’ different points of view. Questionnaires, observation in class and interviews with students and teacher provided insight to the diversity of pros and cons they could think of. The results, including explicit quotations, suggest that experiments at home could be more interesting and exciting if the explanatory theory isn’t given yet. One of the most positive and promising outcomes was the students’ motivation and eager to learn the theory that explained the results and observations at home. Their parents were very positive to the roles they were given and the insight they got to the activities at school. The teacher recommended this method to others who wants higher temperature and engagement in class, and is competent and prepared to provide the answers and theory the students want to learn.