Sounding Sámi Sentiments : Musical Practices in the Production of Ethnicity
Original version
Fagerheim, P. (2014). Sounding Sámi Sentiments : Musical Practices in the Production of Ethnicity. Studia Musicologica Norvegica, 40, 63-84Abstract
This article discusses the role of musical practices in ethnicity production within the Sámi community in Norway. Following a general discussion of the musical practice of joik (pronounced “yoik” in English) and Sámi ethnicity, the text focuses on the Sámi band Adjágas and the production of their first album. Musical practices, like performing, arranging, recording, and disseminating music, will further be discussed with the term “sounding” as a way of talking about cultural, social and political aspects of music. Central to this idea is the concept that ethnic sentiments – feelings, aspirations, and desires – are strongly negotiated within the field of music-making. With a close reading of some of the album’s tracks, and an insider’s perspective on its production, I hope to show how musical practices are central to negotiating Sámi ethnicity and creating strong connections both to an imagined ethnic primordiality and a modernity characterized by a globalized soundscape.