Browsing Artikler, rapporter og annet (FLU) by Title
Now showing items 163-182 of 1047
Dangerous drugs. The self-presentation of the merchant-poet. Jan Six van Chandelier, 1620-1695
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
David Jones’s ‘Barbaric-fetish’ : Frazer and the ‘Aesthetic Value’ of the Liturgy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Much recent critical interest in the relationship between modernism and religion has concerned itself with the occult, spiritualism, and theosophy as opposed to institutional religion, relying on an implicit analogy between ... -
Declining peatland bird numbers are not consistent with the increasing Common Crane population
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The Common Crane (Grus grus) population has experienced an unprecedented increase across Europe during the last decades. Although cranes feed mostly on invertebrates, amphibians and berries during the breeding season, they ... -
Declining population trends of European mountain birds
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Mountain areas often hold special species communities, and they are high on the list of conservation concern. Global warming and changes in human land use, such as grazing pressure and afforestation, have been suggested ... -
Deep neural networks on diffeomorphism groups for optimal shape reparametrization
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)One of the fundamental problems in shape analysis is to align curves or surfaces before computing geodesic distances between their shapes. Finding the optimal reparametrization realizing this alignment is a computationally ... -
Deep reading and in-depth Learning in English language education
(Chapter, 2022) -
Delay in L2 interaction in video-mediated environments in the context of virtual tandem language learning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The purpose of this article is to describe tandem dyads’ interactional resources and social practices for upholding intersubjectivity in video-mediated environments (VMEs) within the context of tandem language learning in ... -
Demanding and challenging : Men’s experiences of living with a pregnant woman with pelvic girdle pain : An interview study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Den kalde, norske våren
(Journal article, 2015) -
Den pentatone boksen : el-gitaristens beste venn eller en begrensende faktor ved kreativt arbeid?
(MusPed:Research;6, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this article I want to present and discuss the pentatonic box, which consists of five main positions on the guitar neck, and look at various possibilities and challenges with the box as a starting point when playing ... -
Description of Gondwanoscurus curleri sp. nov. from the West Usambara Mts, Tanzania (Diptera : Psychodidae)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Design av studium med bruk av teknologi
(Journal article, 2016) -
Design, kunst og håndverk i Norge : fra barnehage til PhD
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Det norske utdanningsfeltet og faget formgiving, kunst og håndverk er betydelig endret siden forrige artikkelsamling om fagets stilling i de nordiske landene kom ut i 2008. I dag synes det å være en klar politisk vilje til ... -
Designing communicative spaces – innovative perspectives on teacher education
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The issue of lack of consistency between teacher education and professional practice has been a subject of debate for a long time. In Norway, like many other countries, both scientific communities and governing bodies have ... -
«Det finnes en sang for alt!» Ansattes begrunnelser for sang i barnehage og skole – en empirisk studie
(MusPed:Research;No. 5, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)«Det finnes en sang for alt!» Ansattes begrunnelser for sang i barnehage og skole – en empirisk studie -
Det grønne amt
(Journal article, 2016) -
Det store bildet : En kartlegging av faget sal og scene i Norge i 2019
(MusPed:Research;3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Det usikre sangerlivet. En livshistoriestudie på langs og på tvers i klassiske sangeres sosiale praksis.
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2021)Hvordan konstitueres klassiske sangeres løpebaner og sosiale praksis? Med utgangspunkt i livshistorieintervju med 14 profesjonelle skandinaviske sangere født mellom 1945 og 1978, søker denne studien en mer nyansert og ... -
«Det var nogen vildtsmak av hans ånde» : Thomas Glahn og det samiske rundt Sirilund
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)